
Let A be a column in a dataset containing strings. Let B be a column in a dataset containing lists of strings.

The column contains string test asserts that the list of strings in B contains the string in A on a per-row basis.

For example:

“a”[“a”, “b”, “c”]✓ Passed
“b”[“a”, “b”, “c”]✓ Passed
“c”[“a”, “b”, “c”]✓ Passed
“d”[“a”, “b”, “c”]x Failed

Since “d” is not in the list [“a”, “b”, “c”], the test fails.


  • Category: Integrity.
  • Task types: LLM, tabular classification, tabular regression, text classification.
  • Availability: and .

Why it matters

  • In particular for RAG LLM projects, the context retriever will return a list of the top K contexts. The column contains string test can be used to ensure that the context retriever returns at least one of the correct contexts.